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Educational YouTube playlists

Outdated useful links Under construction ---- ## TrueType/OpenType/AAT related quick links * [Microsft OpenType Specication]( * [Apple AAT Specification]( * [fonttools]( * [fontkit]( ([aat-kern branch]( * [opentype.js]( * [freetype]( * [harfbuzz]( ## IO * [WebAssembly Out of Bounds Trap Handling]( * [aix-nio]( * [linux-nio]( * [macosx-nio]( * [solaris-nio]( * [unix-nio]( * [windows-nio]( * [pipe]( * [classpath-nio]( * [System Programming]( * [UNIX Lecture Notes]( ## OpenGL * [Tutorial 1](/extra/WebGL1.html), [Tutorial 2](/extra/WebGL2.html), [glcourse]( (mine) * [An intro to modern OpenGL]( * [Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials]( * [WebGL Fundamentals]( * [WebGL2 Fundamentals]( * [Game Design]( ## Complex Networks * [Social Media Mining]( * [Barabasi's Network Science]( * [van Steen's Graph Theory]( * [graphbook]( * [Snap]( ## Music related * [Tuner / Metronome / Signal Generator](/extra/tuner.html) (mine) * Android Simple Synthesizer: [1]( [2]( (mine) * [Setar intervals calculator](/extra/setar.html) (mine) * [midi protocol]( ## Blockchain * [naivechain]( * [naivecoin]( ## Compiler * [Build Your Own Lisp]( - Learn C and build your own programming language in 1000 lines of code! * [c4]( - C in four functions * [C interpreter that interprets itself]( - Write a simple interpreter of C. Inspired by c4 and largely based on it. ## OS * [Linux Kernel Development]( * [The little book about OS development]( ## Other topics * [Mining of Massive Datasets]( (Big data) * [Software Testing]( * [GPU Programming]( * [Introduction to Data Science]( * Search for " courses" * [Quantum Development Kit Documentation]( * [Blockchain]( * [PDB-Downloader]( (mine) * [curl | node]( (mine) * [Eigendecomposition](/extra/eigendecomposition.slides.html) (mine) * APK decompile: [1](, [2]( * [Database Design](